bPeaks application installation


We use Docker to develop and run bPeaks application. We invite you to ensure you have installed the following requirements before trying to bootstrap the application: Docker 1.12.6+

Note 1 : We recommend you to follow Docker's official documentations to install required docker tools (see links above).
Note 2 : Docker must be on for the duration of bPeaks application use.


Step 1 : Download the compressed file

Step 2 : Extract this file

Importante : If you move the folder, the installation procedure will have to be redone.

Step 3 : Run installation

In this folder, you will find a file called INSTALLATION_MAC_LINUX.sh (for MAC and Linux users) and INSTALLATION_WINDOWS.bat (for Windows users). By double clicking on it, the installation will begin. This may take a little time depending on your internet connection. When the installation was completed, a new file will appear. They allow to launch bPeaks application.

NOTE (MAC users)
If you want doucle click in INSTALLATION_MAC_LINUX.sh, you must do a small manipulation (1 time only). In Finder, right-click INSTALLATION_MAC_LINUX.sh and select "Open with" and then "Other...". Here you select the application you want the file to execute into, in this case it would be Terminal. To be able to select terminal you need to switch from "Recommended Applications" to "All Applications". (The Terminal.app application can be found in the Utilities folder) Check "Always Open With" and after clicking OK you should be able to execute you script by simply double-clicking it.

Need more details?

For more detailed documentation, we invite you on github : here